Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Off again at the end of August

“The earth is a peacock and its glorious tail Morocco”
. . (Ancient Moorish Proverb)

We first visited Morocco back in 2008. Having just pitched our tent near Tarifa, Spain, we walked through a line of trees then sat on the beach gazing across the Mediterranean and realised just how close Africa was. The next day we dumped the XJR1300  at the quay side and jumped on the short (1 hour) ferry for a day trip.

A planned trip in 2012 failed to happen. So this time we haven't planned anything.

In May I bought our return Calais/Dover tickets. As yet we have not made any other commitments, other than we both finish our current contracts on the 29th August and will pack that weekend with the intention to be in northern France by September 1st.

After our globe spanning trips of recent years it will be strange to leave the UK on the bike for the first time since 2010, instead of loading it into a crate or placing it on a container ship. And an added bonus will be not having to ditch spare oil or fuel as we change countries or continents.